Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lost Kingdom: Hawaii's Last Queen, the Sugar Kings and America's First Imperial Adventure By: Julia Flynn Siler

I have always been fascinated by Hawaii and how it came to be a state.  I do not wear rose colored glasses and I understand wholeheartedly of the incorrect things we, as a nation, have done.  From the Indians (Natives), Slavery, and imperialism.  Hawaii was a pristine archipelago of eight major island.  These islands did not even know mosquitos until the "invaders" started calling Hawaii home.

Hawaii, today known more for pineapples was actually a huge sugar source.  The islands were ravaged by people looking to buy up land and grow sugar.  The Hawaiian Islands where ruled by a king and although the royal family suffered unlucky issues with their health, the final Queen, Hawaii saw was Queen Liliuokalani.  It is sad to read the acts of the US to take Hawaii from her people. 

If you read the book, Hawaii would have been taken over by either the US, Germany or Britain.  Although I am not proud of what we did, I am much happier that it was the US to Germany or Britain. 

This book covers the lives of the different rulers of Hawaii and the various "Sugar Barons" that set up shop and eventually became the downfall of the original Hawaii Monarchy and Hawaii's sovereignty. 

I recommend this book to anyone interested in the history of Hawaii.

Hardcover: 480 pages
Publisher: Atlantic Monthly Press; 1st Edition edition (January 3, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780802120014
ISBN-13: 978-0802120014
ASIN: 0802120016

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