Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court by Bob Woodward, Scott Armstrong

When I started this book, I thought it would be a partisan hack job.  Seems that these days, Anti-Trump books are all the rage.  This book was different since it dealt with a subject that I vaguely knew details about.  Obviously this book was originally published 1979.  Of course I had read about the Supreme Court and the justices, but this book gave some good insight into the minds of these enigmatic people who have, what appears to be, unbridled power.

I will be honest, maybe my naiveté shows here, but I wanted to think that the Supreme Court was bound by the "blindfold of justice" and would decide based on constitutionality and not partisan or personal beliefs.  This book opened my eyes.  This book covers some of the landmark cases that came before the Supreme Court that even still today, in some cases are the third rail for some such as desperation of schools, abortion, death penalty, Vietnam war, and pornography.  

Hardcover: 467 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster (December 10, 1979)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780671241100
ISBN-13: 978-0671241100
ASIN: 0671241109

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