Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Price of Politics By: Bob Woodward

Unbelievable; Absolutely unbelievable.  This book covers the mind-numbing collusion by both parties to come to some agreement on spending.  The content of this book tears the covers off of the stalemate in D.C. today.  Bob Woodward has a reputation for being a straight shooter although, this is my first book by him. 

Throughout this daunting read, words like (B)illions and (T)rillions were being thrown around as if it were Monopoly money, sadly that statement is very much NOT and exaggeration.  Both parties only worry about how the "program", "cut", "Decoupling", "revenue increase" will appear to their base.  At no point in time througout the entire book, did I get the feeling that either party had my best interest or even the best interest of the country on their mind.

Weather you agree with either side, the only logical conclusion is that the two parties is analogise to Apple Computer and the Apple/Macintosh sides to the same company. 

The asinine thing to this entire issue is that there were  never really any cuts.  All this posturing and fighting about "spending" really did nothing but "cut" proposed spending which was already insanely over budget.

Reading this book is a daunting task replete with budget, government, and monetary speak and unless you enjoy that sort of thing, you may find yourself "asleep at the wheel".  It is repetitive and hard to follow.  Although I am sure other books by the author are probably better, this one was not.  

Hardcover: 448 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster (September 11, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451651104
ISBN-13: 978-1451651102

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